
19 Feb 2016

Container ship Traveling Baltic Ports. 4K HD Video

From the uploader George Leonov:

This time lapse footage was made while I worked on a containership the MV Carat going around the Baltic Sea and North Europe. During the trip we went from Riga, Latvia to Tallinn, Estonia to Klaipeda, Lithuania, Gdynia, Poland, then to the other side of Europe through the Kiel Canal to Hamburg and Bremerhaven, Germany. This was a very fast paced environment, sometimes as little as eight hours sailing between ports and many berth shifts while loading and unloading cargo. Note the precise shiphandling while maneuvering the ship and without any assistance of the tug boats. Over 15,000 photos were used to put this video together, all summed up in five minutes.


Taken from gcaptain blog.

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