
2 Dec 2016

Acquisition of Hamburg Süd by Maersk Line 2017

It has been announced that Habug Sud will be bought by Maersk Line. All would be clear next 2017 year when formalities are set.

Before that, lets see the acquisition benefits from Global biggest carrier point of view:

  • Size does matter!

    Source: Alphaliner

    Hamburg Sud owned by Oetker Group ( With about 30,800 employees and turnover of more than 12 billion euros, the Oetker Group ranks among the major European family businesses. The Oetker Group’s holding company is Dr. August Oetker KG. Broad diversification in different business fields with about 400 firms worldwide characterises the internationally operating company, which has been established for 125 years.) has been sold due to tough market conditions for carriers and competing with biggest carriers in not any more an option.

  • Habmurg Sud revenue of 2015 was 6,2 billions USD, which now would go to Maersk family to new record high: 30 billions!!!
  • 6000 employees: 1,5K on water and rest ashore, all highly professionals on their biz.
  • Acquisition of HS would strengthen ML global position as TOP1 carrier.
  • Would open new markets for ML and support APMT business.
  • Would increase company marketshare in Oceania and Latin America trades.
  • Increase world rank in fleet 15% + 3% to 18%
  • Increase capacity up to 3, 700 000 TEUs.
  • FFE volume up 22%
  • Global market share from 15% to 18,2%
  • Increase in weekly services )sailings)
  • More direct ports!
  • Unique market postion for Reefer business.

Regulatory approval process have to be accomplished by end of 2017. Before that HS and ML would still be competitors!


See also  SOLAS VGM Impact on the Shipper / by Maersk

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