
1 Jul 2016

SOLAS VGM in ESTONIA (Update) – Maersk

Tolerance in Estonia

The allowed tolerance is 2%, in case exceeded then “Do not load” policy applies.

As per TK AS (Container Terminal Operator in Estonia, Port of Tallinn), if the shipper provided VGM and actual (port check) VGM deviation is more than 1000 kg per container then penalty applies.               

Weighting possibilities on/off terminal 

Weighting on terminal:

  • TK AS (Transiidikeskuse AS) is capable to provide weighting services to containers arriving to terminal.

Weighing service ordered prior Gate In of the container – 22 €/container

Weighing service ordered then container already on Yard:

  • Delivery of order 24 h before the vessel arrival  – 83,60 €/container
  • Delivery of order 12 h  before the vessel arrival –  167,2 €/container
  • Delivery of order 6 h  before the vessel arrival – 250,8 €/container
  • If the VGM is not presented to the terminal and/or the terminal has not received the weighting order from the shipper, forwarder or shipping line at least 6 hours before the vessel arrival the container will not be loaded onto vessel.

*Prices are subject to VAT.

Weighting off (outside) terminal:

  • There are possibilities to weight containers outside TK AS terminal with 3rd party service providers. Please contact your local Customer Service Agents for advice.


Government and terminal rules

  • If the VGM is not presented to the terminal and/or the terminal has not received the weighting order from the shipper, forwarder or shipping line at least 6 hours before the vessel arrival the container will not be loaded onto vessel. NO VGM NO LOAD!
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Terminal Penalties

  • If the responsible person has presented incorrect VGM (exceeding the maximum payload) to the terminal the penalty is 350 €/container, plus additional reloading costs for weight correction and storage costs.
  • If the responsible person has presented VGM to the terminal where difference between VGM and actual weight exceeding 1000kg (but not exceeding payload) the penalty is 110 €/container, plus additional reloading costs for weight correction and storage costs, scaling could be applied.

VGM Cut offs

  • Cut offs are communicated based on Vessel’s ETA DATA and can be provided by Customer Service Agents (CS) locally. Please contact your local CS.

Government Penalties

  • If the responsible party has presented incorrect VGM, the penalty is up to 16  000 € for lawful companies. (Based on Maritime Safety Law, Riigiteataja.)

Tare weights

Channels to submit VGM:

  • Email EE.Export@maersk.com
  • Cone portal – cone.edi.ee
  • Maersk WEB – my.maerskline.com
  • INTTRA, GT Nexus, and CargoSmart. – as per service provider
  • EDI – Please contact Customer Service to setup EDI connection between companies.

 What information is required when providing VGM?

Manual methods of submission (email and fax) are acceptable but not encouraged. The established digital channels will avoid documentation errors and delays in handover of information. When a VGM is submitted manually, the name of shipper and signature is required in addition to container number and weight.


Important things to remember as a SHIPPER:

  • It is the shipper’s responsibility to provide the correct VGM
  • Maersk linewill not verify the VGM
  • Shippers should incorporate the VGM process in the shipment cycle
  • Shippers should establish a process with their supply chain partners to integrate the weighing service, if needed
  • Shipper should be aware that a cost might incur, if a container is admitted to the terminal without a VGM
  • Shipper may nominate a third party to submit the VGM. Maersk Line will record the sender in our system
  • If a shipper does not comply and provide the VGM in time, the carrier and the terminal representative will not load the containers on the vessel
  • Penalties for non-compliance are determined by the local authorities and will vary by country
  • Shipper’s signature is not mandatory for submitting the VGM, when submitted via our website. Signature is only needed when submitting via non-electronic channels
  • Maersk Line will follow up with the shipper, if the VGM is missing.
  • After the container has been loaded, Maersk Line will not accept any changes to the VGM.
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Other relevant info


Received from Maersk Estonia.

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