
VGM Impact on Shipper. Solas
26 Feb 2016

SOLAS VGM Impact on the Shipper / by Maersk

With the new regulation, the shipper will be the responsible party for providing the verified gross mass of every container to the ocean carrier and the terminal representative before vessel loading. But who is the shipper in the context of this new regulation? The shipper is the legal entity;

  • Named on the ocean bill of lading or sea way bill or equivalent multimodal transport document as shipper
  • With whom (or in whose name or on whose behalf) a contract of carriage has been concluded with a shipping company

Thus, irrespective if delegated to a 3rd party or similar, the shipper will always be the responsible party for providing VGM information so they should be aware of the impact of this new procedure;

  • Shipper will need to provide VGM information of their containers on shipping instructions no matter whether they send this documentation manually via maerskline.com or via EDI
  • Shipper will need to plan for VGM in the shipment cycle
  • They need to establish a process between supply chain members (forwarders, truckers, terminals and shipping line) integrating weighing service
  • Shippers need to calculate the potential cost impact for arranging this service as they are legally responsible to obtain and provide VGM
  • They need to be aware of possible local legislation regarding government imposed penalties/fines
  • If a shipper does not comply and provide the VGM information in time the carrier and the terminal representative will not load the containers on the vessel

Maersk Line will assess impact of VGM regulations issued by governments. Our aim is to ensure an easy submission of VGM for our customers and easy information exchange with terminals.

Taken from Maersk Line official page: Link

See also  Shipping Alliances 19.07.2016 Update


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